Matias Vagedes
"It is key to lead the firm in such a way as to make it possible for everyone to give his best."
Tel: 54 11 4311 5441
Cel: 54 9 11 5729 7466
VAGEDES & Asociados is a full service law firm with its main office located in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and representative offices in Sao Paulo. The firm assists its clients by providing fast and practical legal solutions, which are economically feasible, and creative when necessary, meeting their strategic and commercial objectives.
VAGEDES & Asociados provides integrated counseling to its clients on the different areas of Business Law. Principle and governing value is to provide a customized treatment to each of our clients through the best professionals, by providing an high added-value legal service, under strict rules of professional ethics.
The German Desk of VAGEDES & Asociados is a specific unit established to meet the requirements and conveniently defend the interests of German, Swiss and Austrian entities, companies and investors that are doing business or wish to do business in Argentina. We are the advisor that your company needs to disembark in a country as complex as ours. We have structured the opening of local representations of German companies as well as new business units.
We have a long and successful track record assisting German businessmen, their banks and insurance companies, the Government and individuals in judicial and extrajudicial claims against local debtors.
Together with our correspondent and associated firms in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, we can provide the advice that Argentine companies need to do business in those countries and/or to establish a representation or open a commercial office there.
VAGEDES & Asociados works with leading law firms in these countries. Our lawyers are recommended by embassies, government agencies and companies. We have one of the most experienced, dynamic, competitive and best prepared teams in the market to assist investors and companies of German, Swiss and Austrian origin. Our professionals have a long and successful track record in the field, have studied in bilingual institutions and in Germany itself, have roots in these countries, are fluent in German and understand the idiosyncrasies and business culture of these Central European countries. We can give you the best of both cultures.
The partners of VAGEDES & Asociados have maintained for many years important links with various law firms and professionals in the MERCOSUR area, especially with the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Republic of Uruguay, the Republic of Paraguay and the Republic of Chile. In these countries we work with leading law firms, both for their size and their expertise, which assures us a wide and first class coverage. Since March 2014 VAGEDES & Asociados has been part of the successful B2L - Business to Lawyers ( B2L is a company that brings together 46 partners and more than 700 professionals, including an incubator for business development and investment projects. It operates in 24 states in Brazil and the 3 main cities in Argentina and has a business portfolio that in 2013 exceeded US$ 4.8 billion. B2L puts its main focus on medium-sized companies (and so-called start-ups) in areas such as M&A, project finance, foreign investment, fundraising and diversified businesses. It seeks to generate business opportunities between companies and with the funds it represents. Its lawyers are nationally recognized in the business area. Our team has - beyond the knowledge of other foreign languages - a wide command of Portuguese and a deep knowledge of the Brazilian market.
VAGEDES & Asociados renders services in various areas of the legal practice through a team of lawyers whose differentiating feature is the excellence of their academic level together with their comprehensive professional experience obtained in the different areas of law practice both in the public and private sector. The assignment of cases and subjects through the organization of work teams dealing with various legal outlooks ensures our clients an excellent level of comprehensive and interdisciplinary advice for all their legal matters.
VAGEDES & ASOCIADOS is certified by the German-Argentine Chamber of Commerce (AHK) as approved German-speaking lawyers in Argentina. The German Desk of the Chamber of Commerce counts with a working group of German-speaking auditors, accountants, lawyers and public notaries and members of AHK Argentina who meet to discuss current issues in the legal field. This group also works to achieve an international network of contacts. That is why every year is held a regional symposium with German-speaking professionals from all over Latin America and Spanish-speaking professionals from Germany. VAGEDES & Asociados counts with German and German-speaking lawyers in order to efficiently advise our German clients in their current and future business in Argentina. We have a long experience in advising German companies, banks, insurance companies, government agencies and private persons. Together with our correspondent offices in Germany, Switzerland and Austria we are able to advise Argentine companies operating abroad.
VAGEDES & Asociados is part of a Brazil-based trading company focused on business development and investments in different countries. B2L's focus is on emerging companies in areas such as buy-sell, project finance, foreign investments, mergers and acquisitions, fundraising and diversification businesses. B2L works in the constant search of business for its clients and the connection between companies through all the strategic partners that are part of this network. The main goal is to generate business opportunities for the companies represented by B2L.
If so, click to join now, and be part of our dynamic team!
Our professionals have a solid education and a recognized reputation in the academic and professional world, within their respective areas of expertise. The members of VAGEDES & Asociados compose a team of professionals with high training and experience acquired at positions of responsibility they have held in first level law firms, international companies, the Judiciary or the Public Administration.
Tel: 54 11 4311 5441
Cel: 54 9 11 5729 7466
Customs & Foreign Trade
German Desk, Corporate & Immigration
Brazilian Desk, Corporate
Tax & Tax Litigation
Litigation & Labour
Litigation, Labour & Telecommunication
Tax & Tax Litigation
Litigation & Labour
Telecommunication & Litigation
Corporate, Commercial & Litigation
Corporate, Commercial & Litigation
Banking & Finance
Customs and Foreign Trade
Private Client, Family & Inheritance
Intellectual Property
Foreign Trade & Antidumping
We stand out for the excellence of legal services we provide to our clients, in which the professionalism and human quality is critical. If your intention is to become a member of a warm and team-like working enviroment, oriented to excellence, seeking the fulfillment of our client's goals and where personal growth depends on your own achievments, please send your CV and other data to: The information received will remain strictly confidential.
Address: Av. Córdoba 487, Piso 6 K
C1054AAD Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone: +54 11 4311-5441